10 September - 14 november 2021
the MUIDERSLOT exhibition
THURSDAY 9th September the 2nd edition of the CRYINGBOYS opened in the RIJKSMUSEUM MUIDERSLOT.
DURING THE OPENING Machteld van der Gaag (Machteld Chante), Nico van der Linden and Sjors van Der Panne PERFORMED the music of barbara and ramses shaffy.
The exhibition was officially opened by Managing Director Annemarie den Dekker and artist / photographer Noah Valentyn. The exhibition is a tribute to the emotion of men in Middle Ages. While nowadays men are supposed not to cry or showing their personal emotions in public, until the 17th century crying was supposed to be the ultimate proof of manhood. Being empathetic and by sharing emotions men showed their intellect and proofed their strength which mad them trustworthy.
Noah Valentyn, being an actor too, recorded the audio tour. In his own unique way he explains the photos and the connection of the concept to the portraits and inhabitants of the castle. The audiotour is English spoken and in Dutch.
In the MEDIA
NPO 1 Blok & Toine
Blok & Toine
Exhibition Opening

Unofficial photos of the opening.

pre-order date postponed
Due to the corona epidemic
We needed to postpone the production of the catalogue.
We do however appreciate all initiatives and orders, helping us to revive
this project supporting our studio, artists and charity.
To be continued.
limited edition
signed & numbered
by the artist
Pre-Order now in the following link!
The unique book will be produced until a minimum of orders.
By ordering you support the studio, the supported artists and a charity!
Welcome to the official website of ‘Crying Boys’, an initiative and series of portraits
by photographer Noah Valentyn, inspired by the crying boys of Giovanni Bragolin.
The series of photographs were first presented in the navy city of Den Helder.
A symbolic place to reveal the 33 portraits of young men, connected through their emotions, relating to the from origin more rough and male subculture of the city.
The first official opening in 2020 (pre-corona) by mayor of Den Helder, Jeroen Nobel, explained the necessity to embrace history and look forward by investing in and using culture, festivities.
A clear message to embrace the past and look forward and always keep believing in possibilities.
In September 2021 the second exhibition opened in Rijksmuseum Muiderslot. Noah is invited to present is artworks in the castle to emphasize the difference of the attitude towards male emotion in the Middle Ages. Showing the true faces behind the iron masks.
The photo series is fully produced in studio DepartFrom.
Thank you to all partners, sponsors, models and all collaborating, inspiring people!
Thank you for all the support, motivation and believing in the story.
The story will continue!
All prices depend on size and printing technique/material and amount of prints ordered.
The artwork comes with a certificate of legitimacy, signed and numbered by the artist.
Large and Extra Large: 3 prints
Small: 30 prints
The prices are excl frame and/or transport. We do not sell or provide digital files.
If interested, a rental period is optional.
Contact us for more information.
Den Helder is the most northern city of the province of Noord-Holland, known for the harbour, navy and surrounded by the North sea and Waddenzee.
Fort Kijkduin is beautifully situated on top of the dunes, looking over the sea and the island of Texel on the horizon. It has many surprises like the many aquariums, secret tunnels and so much more.
It also tells the history of the men, fighting for freedom. Sadness is part of Den Helders history with too many goodbyes of people leaving home and even loosing husbands, wives, children and friends.
A unique and special location for the PREMIERE of this exposition. And: free for everybody to visit and experience!
We are very thankful to all partners, believing in this project and finding this unique opportunity and location to present the full series of 33 portraits of men. We are proud of the modelling men and their strength to show their emotion in front of the camera.
PARTNERS & sponsors
Den Helder
‘Holland boven
‘Crying Boy’ by Giovanni Bragolin
interpretation by Noah Valentyn
Original work in collection of Johan van Geluwe.
Photographer Noah Valentyn
History & Process
Noah’s connection with the vintage paintings of the ‘crying boys’ started in his youth. At home, his mother had one of the copies of the paintings. Being only child in a disturbed family, Noah felt a strong connection to the portait of the boy. It was his ‘brother’, a soul mate, that he could relate to when times were hard and lonely. Than, when his mother was told about the curse of these paintings, the painting, his friend, was expelled to the attick. Being a young boy Noah wasn’t allowed to go to the attick by himself. But he did, and he gave a promis to his friend. One day he would take him back into the house. That never happened since Noah later often had to change home and live with foster parents.
Many years later Noah visited Amsterdams famous flee-market (IJ Hallen). There he found the little portrait, the very same boy of his youth. Finally he could realize the promis he made so he bought the painting. At home Noah started questioning his own youth and thought about what could have happened to the children of these vintage paintings, often orphans or gypsies (as people often think).
He started a research on the spell and he discovered the story of the original artist, ‘Giovanni Bagolin’ (Pseudonym). ‘Bagolin’ was a talented painter that never was allowed to finish the art academy. A salesman bought all rights of the paintings and sold many copies... Bagolin himself never saw back a penny.
Aren’t we all crying boys? Aren’t we all adults with our own pain, memory, vulnarability, learning to be strong. Is society organised in that way that we are not allowed to show our inner selves? Are men, women, people not allowed to show their vulnerability? Tears of emotions. Releave. It’s the authentic part of being human. And so, Noah’s newest concept and idea was born. To portray the emotion, the diversity of the tear, espacially with young men who are still learned to be tough.
First Noah started to carefully present his thoughts to his friends, asking them to help him in this project. The respond was highly positive. The first photoshoots were a challenging process in how to find the real emotion, most models are no professional actors. How to touch a persons inner heart in a setting of a studio, in bright lights even. Than Noah started to first let people talk, or to be silence to contact with their inner selves. Often by listening to music. After the first experiments Noah felt safe to also ask strangers in the streets, on social media. Even these responds were surprisingle positive. The project developped from a very personal thought into a respresentative result and series of modern men. An analyses of the tear, the diverstity in emotions.
The result; 33 portraits. A symbolic number.