Meeting Between the Art

Studio DepartFrom is a Creative Concept Studio. A platform for artists, creatives, professionals and collaborations. A place to invite your network, to use for presentations or to launch your product or services. But als for corporate or personal coaching, training.

Creativity, collaboration and entrepreneurship is the power to personal and corporate growth but mostly:
the key to happiness.

We are currently looking for new location, but are always there to help you develop your projects and build your own brand.
You always ask us for our advice and input as creatives.

Join us!

The Studio has many possibilities and facilities. You can use the studio as working space or for presentations. From small chamber music events or recordings to exhibitions. From brainstorm sessions to management team sessions.

We believe it’s always good to put yourselve and your team in another setting and experience more efficiency. While at the same time being more at ease. A day at work, out of office.

Meeting Between the Art